the most basic Me
Friday, February 20, 2004

quit your bitching

This morning I had a realization that I just need to quit pouting over having my "hand slapped" at work and just get on with life. I realized that I was just being sad, loosing sleep, and making Greg miserable (because he is sad to see me upset) for nothing. I thought about T, the company owner, having totally reamed C, my manager, over a project last month. I wonder if she was crying and carrying on over the indignity of being questioned. Whether legitimate cricticism or not (I personally think he went overboard on her), I didn't see her being overly upset about it. I need to be an adult here--I mean, who cares if these bozo folks I work with like me or not--the reality is, the thing I was most upset about is that these people "turned" on me, didn't like me enough to be nice in their review. Why should I loose sleep over that.

Yes, it is hard to not have "friends" at work, but it is survivable. Greg was totally cracking me up because he just got irritated at my being upset about the co-workers and said, "honey, I was never impressed by any of them anyway, why do you care if a bunch of loosers like you?"

I was so inspired today by reading the website of one of my online friends. She's an American that moved to Australia and she's always been really nice to me. We connect about Buddhism and mom-hood and our love of tarantulas. She's started a business selling propagated tropical plants. She was giving me encouragement about our decision to travel and telling me a bit about her travels. It made me remember how just days ago, I felt the whole world had expanded--that anything was possible and I was on the brink of adventure. People DO this--they go places, change their lives for the better and have adventures. Six months from now, work at this particular company will be a distant memory...hopefully :)


Last night was classic parent sleeplessness with baby. Phoebe has had a cold for awhile now (she just went to the doctor and we were told "she has a cold" duh..) and has had odd sleep patterns for weeks. I was at my wits end just a week ago, desperate for more sleep and Greg has been waking up and taking her at about 3AM, letting her sleep on his tummy. Last night I woke at 2AM and couldn't quit my mind mulling, so went downstairs to read. Until you have a baby, you don't realize how precious time to read can be. I read my new book, A Cave in the Snow, for an hour, then heard Phoebe stiring. I thought it was going to just be a little nurse-her-back to sleep action, but no, she nursing, she woke, she wiggled she sat up she giggled.

Greg tried taking her, she wiggled. I took her until 4:30 then woke Greg, asking him to take her for a bit so I could sleep. this morning was awful. Greg is sick, Phoebe is sick, I'm coming down with a cold and Greg just looked miserable. I hated to leave for work.

Last night, Phoebe stood by herself again. Its so adorable to see her balanced there. Walking is so close!

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Phoebe update

can't forget to mention my little mojo--she's getting so good at standing up now. Greg and I both were watching the other night and saw her standing touching nothing for 20 sec or so before she realized she wasn't holding anything. She will also toddle behind one of her toys--it is so funny because she can crawl so much faster, but when given the option she will try walking behind the toy at a snails pace rather than crawl over to something.

Babies are just so amazing. I can't figure out if their little muscles get sore from doing so much--she is learning so much everyday. Yesterday she was a ball of energy during our bath. She was almost getting manic at the end--she was aparently 'done' and decided that she wanted to stand up. She stood up on the edge, launched herself at me, moved all over, little hands and feet jimmying. 

Life changes

How quickly things change. You can see the ideas percolate in the thoughts below. Greg and I have decided to sell most of our possessions and travel though the states for a couple years. Getting from this point to the day we leave will be interesting! Today has been a hard day all round. I posted this to my journal group:

I've always been a person that excells at everything I do. I loved school as a child and, though I didn't get straight A's all the time, the expectation that I would go to college, get a good job in my career field and do well for myself was always there--both internally for me and from my family and friends.

And I did--go to college, get a good job. I've done well.

The last couple of years have been a little tramatic and stressful. Some of you know some of the story. The short version--my sister died, I got pregnant and had a baby, my uncle died, my company that I had been with for 3 years were total asses when I returned to work and I had to find a new job, my new job is a longer comumute and is in a slightly different field from what I've worked in for the last nine years. During this time I've been everywhere emotionally from on top of the world to so depressed my doctor wanted me on medication.

My husband and I have made a major decision over the last couple weeks to sell our home and most of our possessions and travel for a couple years. I am so excited and scared at the same time. Travelling the US is something that I've always wanted to do and the idea of "simplification" is something that has been drawing me for years. So much hard work lies ahead, but I am looking foward to it. At the same time, I am scared about leaving my career behind and starting "over" at the other side of this adventure.

One of the things I'm struggling with today is the fact that I've made this huge decision and am moving forward with that, but I have this job with a small company that I'll be leaving too. I'm a pretty integral part of the company--not that they can't survive without me, nothing that dramatic--but just the everyday moving forward as a manager that sometimes conflicts with what I know is happening in my life. Part of what makes this decision easy is that I see my daughter so little--I am sometimes gone 9 1/2-10 hrs a day. The owner of the company has this grand scheme of starting new offices--and I was starting a new divsion for him. Now there is such a conflict between me continuing to give my all and function well for the company--and knowing I'm leaving. Obviously, as this moves forward, I'll just have to be honest with them before they spend money on things for my "division" that won't function when I'm gone (I'm the only one in the company with senior level skills in that field--the others are all junior associates).

And of course, today is the day that my manager sat me down to do an imprompto evaluation of me so far--and two huge things--the perception from other staff that I'm not here enough hours and that I'm not approachable enough for assistance. I took it well--I normally just freak out about any criticism this "momentous" and just cry. It made it easier that in the back of my head I knew that this just wasn't important in the vast scheme of things--I mean, come on, I won't even be here in 6 months to a year! But inside I am also feeling hurt/confused/frustrated/ guilty. Hurt, because these comments are coming from multiple staff and I thought things were going well with them. Confused between the feelings of frustration and guilt--a huge part of me knows that most of the comments stem from a cluster of out-of-my-control circumstances--I'm coming into a company as a manager when they had a manager that they loved and worked well with--I'm jumping inot the middle of the heirarchy--the normal "us" vs. "them" dynamic between associates and seniors--I'm in a new field and can't just whip out documents like I can with biology and have to rely a lot more on their experience too. But then, when you hear criticism from multiple sources, you would be stupid to not really listen and evaluate how much truth is in there. And the thing is--I've just never had to deal with not being "perfect"--not in a real perfection sense--but in the sense that I've always just fit in with school and work and done my job well and not had much conflict--and have been perceived as doing a wonderful job.

In one year, I've been demoted and told I wasn't functioning as a manager and now, given the opportunity to work with a new group of people, I'm still not being perceived as doing my best. And the thing is--I don't want to work 10 hour days to convince folks that I'm doing 110%--I want to put in my hours and more on the days I need to, but not all the time. I want to be home with my husband and Phoebe. And I'm taking hte steps in my life to get someplace else, to get off this sometimes ridiculous work force drama, but I have to keep going here. And I've kicked it up considerably since leaving my old job--I put in more hours, have tried harder than I've needed to in years--and it still isn't working.

My manager is totally good about the whole thing--she doesn't think these are huge problems--she thinks they are more perception problems than reality. Great--I have to convince people I'm doing my job properly and am competant that don't have any vested interest in having a good opinion of me. The fricken personel issues with S seem easy compared to this--at least my issues with her are on the table and being resolved [yes, but how much has her bitching to the other staff contributed to this?]

I just want to sit down and have a good cry. I have to give up all my animals to make this move and it is so hard. I think I just need to let this just lie a bit and not think about it to distance myself from the immediacy of the hurt emotions and move forward constructively.

I can't even let myself think about it to much as it just makes me so angry. Right now I'm taking a break and two of the associates have been talking for 20 minutes about marriage couselling. Do they factor those convos in their thoughts about their own work habits? I just can't let myself think along those lines. I can only control my own integrity and my own actions.

The entire thing just confirms how right it is that Greg and I make this move. The details are always the hard thing. Some moments I panic thinking that perhaps this idea of leaving it all is just an elaborate mental escape--thinking that just doing this will somehow magically make us happier. But I KNOW that you can't just run away from things and be magically happy--we are doing this because we believe in our hearts that the way we are living now is really killing us spiritually.

We are so blessed in that we lucked into buying our house right before a huge increase in the market. It isn't like we can retire or anything, but we sure can live frugally for awhile and have money at the end.

a newly single mom trying to work out the best approach to life. 2008 is the year of Truth and Happiness. Welcome to reality--it is stranger than you can imagine.

My Photo
Location: Tucson, Arizona, United States

To paraphrase my favorite childhood author, I've got brown hair, brown eyes and the rest is subject to change without notice. The images on this site are my photos and art work. I enjoy creating mixed media art, art journaling and writing. To see more of my photography and art, go to

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