Creativity Consultant
I woke in the middle of the night last night and had a vision of my business card. The card read: Wyethia --Creativity Consultant and had a large flying Phoenix on it and a subheading--'payment by barter only.'
This is the concept--I provide creative solutions to people's problems. My philosophy--we all have problems and often the solutions are already inside us--we already know the answer, but until someone provides that extra little push, that insight, the problem just sits there. I love finding answers and I'd love to give to the world by providing information and help to others. I don't want this as my "Cash" job--its my 'sexy' job (see Hence the barter system. Everyone has something of value--items, know-how--the cost of my help is what you think its worth. You may not 'pay' then, but down the road. Its a very Burning Man-like idea.